Sunday, May 8, 2011

week 15

After reading the lecture and going to the web sites i have learned a few things. The inpiration web site seems pretty cool, just another tool that i think will come in handy as a teacher. After reading your lecture i understand more why you taught us the way u taught us. Instead of test and quizes you substituted them with the computer related activites that helped us learn more about how to integrate technology in the classroom, and i personally like that more and think i learned alot this way.
Throughout this semester and class i have learned alot. I always used the computer but i never knew there were all these ways of integrating technology into the classroom. After using all of the web 2.0's that we have used and learned about i believe that this will help me with teaching and give me many more resources to use in my classroom.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hi my name is Jonathan Marc Rea. Born and raised in Paris, Texas. I have 2 full brothers and 2 half brothers. I grown up with my 2 full brother's all my life and my 2 half brothers lived with me for a short time when i was younger, they both live in California now. All my life i have played baseball. Ever since i can remember that has been my favorite thing to do. I played 3 years of college ball and Texas A&M Commerce is where i am at now. I love all sports and i love to work out and stay active. I plan on becoming a teacher and coaching Baseball and Basketball one day very soon.
Technology is definitely huge in the classroom today. Technology makes everything easier when it comes to studying, or just typing a paper for what ever class it might be. Without the technology we have today we would have it much harder, we would have to learn things the way they did back in the old days, more library time. Computers are not the only thing that are great in the classroom, now days there are anything from a DVD player to a projection monitor in the classroom, all which are great for different ways of learning. Technology is great.
My goals in this class are to do the best i can possibly do and not procrastinate like i have in the past. I hope to learn more about today's technology's in the classroom and what technology has to offer for when i have my own classroom.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Opinion 4/20/2011

Visualizing with Technology is a great thing it. Seeing something for some people is a better way to learn something.For me it definitely is.
United streaming and safari montage seem like they are pretty cool things also. These websites look like they would be a great deal of help for educators. It looks like you can pretty much learn what you need to learn on there and there are many things to look up that would make it a lot easier for educators for there lesson plan and cool and creative things to do in the classroom.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I think there is no end to the benefits of Web 2.0 applications. I have searched the internet and found tons of sites dedicated to information about different applications and ways to use the web for communication and information in the classroom. “Web 2.0 for the Classroom” was a great site for different Web 2.0 applications, from general web resources to blogging, podcasting, Wiki’s and organizational tools. Another one, “Back to the Classroom with Web 2.0” had some really cool applications for gradebook help and organizational tools too. I think using these tools can be a huge benefit to staying organized, getting information to students and parents quick and effortlessly and keeping it interesting and fun for the kids too.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Copy right

Afterr reading about this and looking at the different articles I think I think I am going to take copy right a little more serious and look at it in a different way. I have always thought of it as prettty much just being plagerism when it comes to writing a paper. Now I realize there is a lot more to it and I realize it is imortant for me to know if I am going to teach.
On the topic of cyber bullying ,first of all I think its ridiculous and childish. I think by being a teacher we have to lead the way and set an example. Its sad this happens, but I ever come acrosss this as a teacher I will do my best to stop it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Assignment 2

This is the first time i have ever really used a blog. Honestly i guess there not that bad. I think they can be a good way of communication, wether it be for classmates or friends or however you want to use it. I think it definetely can be a good thing for education. It can be a way classmates can communicate for classwork or classroom discussions. If a student needs help or advice, i think blogs from other students or teachers could possibly give you that help or advice. On the topic of blogs being a total waste of students time, i would definetely have to disagree!
I think wiki is a good thing and can be a good way for research and a way to help you in your studies.